Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Project #4 ::: Eco-friendly package redesign

A continuation and exploration of image and type as unifying graphic design elements in a 3D point of purchase environment.

Redesign an existing consumer product packet which is already on the market.
The choice of the product is crucial to the final presentation. Choose something which will inspire, encourage and initiate lofty creative design ideas for this 3D project. I would suggest you choose a product which is in dire need of redesign instead of those packages which are already successful from their point of purchase delivery.

Your final project will be presented on 11 x 17 inches board (flat) AND another version will be presented in 3D (the working prototype).

You must think about the entire construction of the assignment (graphics that run from front to back, top to bottom) The necessary information from the existing "found and redesigned" package/product should still accompany your final design. (logo, ingedients, ISBN# scan, manufacturer, etc)

You might wish to change the logo, copywriting, or even the shape of the "original"consumer product you have chosen to redesign. This is only an option; however, you may wish to stick to the basic information from your chosen productand redesign it. Stay focused on your original concept. Simplicity.

A. Do a walkthrough of a supermarket/retail store/speciality shops/hardware stores/shopping malls, etc.
B. Make a selection of several products that you feel might be better designed for public consumption.
- Consider shelf space and interaction between the product and consumer;
- What does it look like from the front, from the side and when it is stacked alongside itself?
- Do some individual testing for yourself. RESEARCH.
C. Think about the point of puchase (POP) approach in advertisement/marketing.
D. What is the proper hierarchy for type on a three-dimensional form?
E. How does color and size of type work along with your images?
F. Is your product necessary, frivolous, important, healthy, comical to our society? Who is your market?

PRODUCT: You may choose any consumer package which you will redesign.
RESEARCH: Sketches and mock ups must accompany this project.
SIZE: The size is required by the product you redesign (what is inside the package). You are allowed to create another shape or size of the product ONLY if the material inside is comfortable within its new home.

This is an eco-friendly project so you must consider:
1. The amount of paper you are going to use in each package.
2. How packages behave when transported (optimize shape and size)
3. Encourage recycling by adding the recycling symbol in the package.
4. This is a glue free, tape free, sticker free (etc) project, so think of alternative ways to close your package.

October 27 Bring in 3 packages that you are considering to redesign
October 29 Bring in redesign sketches + Work in class

November 3 Work in class
November 5 Work in class

November 10 Work in class & discussion about product's brochure (Project #5)
November 12 Work in class - In progress critique

November 17 Work in class
November 19 Final Critique

* These dates are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.


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