Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Project #3 ::: Book jacket

Project #3 ::: Book jacket
Due date: October 20th

Knowledge truly is power for a designer when it comes to fully understanding and researching your subject before starting your sketch ideas. Sometimes the biggest obstacle for a designer is the presumptiom that you know your subject before researching thoroughly.

RESEARCHING your book is IMPERATIVE to a more original and perhaps even a more clever concept. You must understand the nuances of your chosen FICTIONAL book as well as the obvious details and images found withing the storyline.

Assume nothing.

Explore everything.

1. Read or re-read the book you have chosen

2. Make descriptive notes as you go, even sketches that might be explored later. Don't always go for the obvious.

3. Try to understand what the author is trying to depict through the narrative. examine closely the plot, subplot and characters. Chart events that will assist you in determining your visual direction.

4. DO NOT be persuaded by existing book covers which you might find while investigating you material/book and be very careful of plagiarism (*see University policies on plagiarism and class syllabus).

This assignment is to design the cover, the spine and the back panel of your selected fictional book.

- Images may flow from front to back or they may be treated as separate artwork with a continuing theme or use of typeface or texture (however, think that the finished design will be displayed flat and as one printed piece).

- Think about the synergistic relationships found in image and type as you begin this assignment.

- Spend some time at a bookstore or library for your insiration.

- Use everything for your ispiration: cd covers, theatre posters, archival/modern books.

- You may wish to illustrate, photograph or collage materials to create your book covers.

* Original imagery is mandatory for this assignment. You cannot grab images or material from the internet. You might wish to download fonts from resources on the ibternet however. Be resourceful and original.

You'll have to come up with at least THREE different final concepts on your sketchbook before using the computer. Think about imagery and fonts and sketch them all.

Once you have chosen your book cover to redesign, then you must write down your concept approach regarding how you plan to carry out your visual concept. This is know as a Creative Brief. You'll have to attach it to the back of your boards (like you did with your logos). Keep it simple. Your written brief and your finished book jacket must tell the same story.

Choose one title from any of the CLASSIC FICTIONAL books which are listed down below.

A written description detailing the theme (or themes) you wish to visually depict. It's not the story itself, but it's your concept's description.

Copy and copywritting is a must for this assignment. There is usually a brief written description of what the book is about on the back cover of the book. This text type needs to be integrated into the design of the overall book jacket as well.

Sketches and written information will be handed in along with the finished design as well as your focus/them sentence.

Everyone will have the same size book jacket. The entire size is 13"x8" on the 11"x17" white board/backed on the white or black board. (See specs below for details)

You might want to wrap an actual book with your newly redesigned book jackect on it and place it among other books in a library or bookstore just to see how it holds up to its surroundings.

* Finished jacked should be printed on 11" x 17"then mounted to the white or black heavyweight board to be turned in.

** Your name or logo should appear on the backside of the board.Your name or logo should appear on the backside of the board.

Your name or logo should appear on the backside of the board.

Approved book title choices

1. Catcher in the Rye/Salinger JESSICA
2. Atlas Shrugged/Rand
3. The old man and the sea/Hemingway
4. For whom the bells tolls/Hemingway
5. A farewell to arms/Hemingway
6. The invisible man/Ellison LIZETTE
7. The great Gatsby/Fitzgerald SHANE
8. The sun also rises/Hemingway
9. The Scarlet letter/Hawthorne SARAH KIM
10. A tree growns in Brooklyn/Smith
11. Of mice and men/Steinbeck BARRON
12. The fountaubhead/Rand
13. Adventures of Huckleerry Finn/Twain
14. Our town/Wilder
15. A raising in the Sun/Hansberry
16. The pearl/Steinbeck
17. Moby Dick/Melville
18. Death of a salesman/Miller
19. The grapes of Wrath/Steinbeck
20. The red badge of courage/Crane
21. Billy Budd/Melville
22. Franny & Zooey/Salinger
23. The sound and the fury/Faulkner RORY
24. Cannery Row/Steinbeck
25. Call of the wild/London
26. Uncle Tom's cabin/Stowe ROBERT
27. The house of seven gables/Hawthorne
28. Leaves of gras/Whitman
29. The last of the Mohicans/Cooper MIANDRA
30. Lolita/Nabokov
31. Wise blood/O'Connor
32. A good man is hard to find/O'Connor
33. Tender is the night/Fitzgerald
34. Giovanni's room/Baldwin
35. Streetcar named desire/Williams
36. The age of innocence/Wharton LAUREN
37. Frankenstein/Shelley JUSTIN
38. Travels with Charley/Steinbeck VICKY
39. Ulysses/Joyce SARAH MALLARD
40. The deerslayer/Cooper
41. To kill a mockingbird/Lee HEATH
42. Lord of the files/Golding KATIE
43. The bell jar/Plath CRISTY LEE
44. The unbearable lightness of being/Kundera
45. Lonesome dove/McMurtry
46. The count of Monte Cristo/Dumas ANJELI
47. Cry, the beloved country/Paton
48. War and peace/Tolstoy
49. Don Quixote/Saavedra MERIELEN
50. Around the world in 80 days/Verne VENKAT


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